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Rogelli Bibshorts Detach Dam

Hög kvalitet Hög kvalitet
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The Detach cycling shorts for women are very practical in the summer and indispensable in the cycling collection of every female cyclist. The shorts have a special clasp at the end of the strap, which makes sure that the shorts comes down easily while the rest of your outfit will stay on.

When you untie the clasp you can pull the shorts down without having to take off your jersey. Very convenient with the need to relieve yourself while underway! Thanks to its racing fit and the elastic Dynaflex fabric, the shorts match perfectly to the body

The Active padding with soft touch and pre-formed wings guarantees optimum comfort and an excellent mobility. The folded 4 centimeter Dynaflex tape at the edge of the legs of the shorts guarantees even more comfort.

Because of the Silicon grip on the edge of the legs, the shorts stay in perfect place. These very practical cycling shorts come in the neutral color of black so that they can be easily combined with the various cycling jerseys from our collection. .


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