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Freemotion Selectorized Shoulder, Styrkemaskiner - Axlar

Hög kvalitet Hög kvalitet
Pressade priser Pressade priser
Brett utbud och sortiment Brett utbud


The Freemotion EPIC Shoulder Press has been redesigned to target shoulder muscles through a converging access pattern and unilateral arm movement. This machine guides users to move in a natural range of motion that"s intuitive and effective, while a lower tower height promotes an open feel. .

Se gärna också

Freemotion Genesis Multi Plane Shoulder, Styrkemaskiner - Axlar

The Genesis Shoulder Press welcomes people to a more effective workout. There's no intimidation factor on this machine, just a better way to build shoulder definition. When the person chooses to stand, core muscles are activated to get more out of a standard workout. The Genesis Shoulder Press is constantly evolving - every time a member uses it they can upgrade the challenge to gradually see results over time.

Mer information finns på produktens sida.


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