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Orca W Core Tri Short

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The Core Tri Short is designed with high-quality Italian eco-friendly fabrics, made from recycled nylon. Providing comfort and speed in both running and cycling, the Italian-made Tri-tech chamois, designed specifically for women, lets you pedal with ease, while the elastic grip keeps the short in place at all times.

LONG-LIFE FABRICS The long-lasting Italian fabric is made from LYCRA® XTRA LIFE™, providing greater wear resistance. The perfect fabric for long distance races and training.

AQUASTRETCH This lightweight fabric provides fast wicking and superior breathability, while its Orca Enduro water repellent coating improves glide during the swim. TRI-TECH CHAMOIS With a 120 kg/m3 density, the popular Italian-made 6 mm Tri-Tech chamois is specifically designed for women.

Giving you greater comfort on the bike, and fast wicking to keep you dry. ECO-FRIENDLY The fabric is made from 80% recycled nylon.

STORAGE Built-in rear back pocket gives you plenty of space to store your nutrition for easy access. ELASTIC GRIP The elastic grip at the bottom keeps the pants in place, providing unparalleled comfort. .


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